Our Programs
Welcome, you may be thinking, “I’m not a Veteran, how do I get involved?”. Support has a range of size and sometimes the smallest efforts ripple the largest waves. Below are a few areas where we are making an impact and difference in the lives of those that serve us selflessly…
On-field Presentations
Each and every year it is a pillar of the Bob Feller Act of Valor Foundation to recognize the impact and selfless good works of those in the world of Major league baseball. As part of our annual award ceremony nomination process we also conduct on field ceremonies with MLB and the Armed Forces to recognize those nominated players to bring awareness and support to their causes to support to the service men and woman that sacrifice themselves for our freedom.

and Run4Life
Beginning in 2020, The Bob Feller Act of Valor Award Foundation organized fundraising Walks and 5K Runs to increase awareness of Military Suicide Prevention and we raised funds to educate our military children. To date, the events held in both New York and Maine have raised over $36,000 for charitable organizations and scholarships.

Act of Valor Award Ceremony
Held annually in Washington DC at the Navy Memorial, the Act of Valor Award Ceremony honors a current MLB player, a National Baseball Hall of Fame inductee, one U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer who exhibits the values, integrity, and dedication to serving our country that Bob Feller himself displayed. In 2015 the foundation added the Jerry Coleman Award to honor a Marine Non-commissioned Officer and two more Act of Valor awards for peer-to-peer mentoring.

The Walk Of Heroes
The Walk of Heroes banners honor the 39 National Baseball Hall of Fame members who served in World War II. The educational display banners highlight the playing career of all of the Hall of Fame members as well as their military career and key moments in their sport's life. This transportable recognition platform has been proudly displayed at a number events such as the Annual Award Ceremony and the annual Walk4Valor 22 mile hike with 22 pounds and the Run4 Life 5K to gain awareness to military suicide. The banners have also been to events such as Fleet Week, the MLB All Star Game and the MLB Fort Bragg Game.

"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is."
– Bob Feller